Dear Reader,
Thanks for visiting my website. I am a professional engineer who, in retirement, had nothing better to do! So, I created this Drygon website to share my knowledge and creative experiences with you.
My unique Discipline Interface Charts for superior engineering and project management are available for your use. Check them out in “The Drawings” section. I even wrote a book on the meaning of Life! Heavy stuff! There is a quotation which is the basis why I did these things: “If you have the knowledge, let others light their candles by it.” I hope some of the contents in my website will resonate with you.
If you find some information on my website which helps make you a better person – technically as an engineering or project manager, or to better understand life’s philosophies and our seemingly chaotic existence amidst the wonders all around us, then I will have achieved this purpose. If you really like my website, then please tell your friends and colleagues about it!
Tony Yep, P. Eng